Monthly Archives: January 2024

More news on the Horizon saga

Since the recent ITV airing of the Post Office sub-postmasters confrontation with the Horizon accounting software, a flurry of support for the affected individuals have been generated. A news story issued by the Insolvency Service has been added to the list. Entitled: Update: Postmasters impacted by Horizon who may have been made bankrupt They said: […]

Tax exempt accommodation costs

There are special rules for the provision of living accommodation for employees. In most cases, employees will pay tax on any living accommodation provided by an employer unless they qualify for an exception. However, where an employee qualifies for an exemption, there is no tax to pay on the provision of living accommodation. The definition […]

More delays contacting HMRC?

HMRC have announced that they will be focussing the use of its Self-Assessment helpline on priority queries from 11 December 2023 to 31 January 2024. Taxpayers calling with queries that can be quickly and easily resolved online will be directed to HMRC’s online services from 11 December until the SA deadline on 31 January. The […]